Wednesday, December 29, 2004

On Light and Words.

Without them, the world is empty. Lost forever in nothingness. We don't exist, and if we actually do, how can we prove it? It's all about the light.

In darkness we stumble and fear. In darkness we smash our noses against walls (not that it ever happened to me...), and our little toes against furniture. Colors don't exist, nor space. But then there's light... then we need millions of words to record what we see, what we become under the light, what suddenly surrounds us, for it was not there before (except for the couch where we smashed our little toe... that one was there alright).

Words are never enough, can never keep up with our eyes and the gift of light, but what else do I have after all? It's all about them, how they shape us, inside and out. Words change me, making their way out my mouth and fingertips. Light molds and colors my face. I guess darkness too, can give me a nose job and a bigger little toe.

Mexico City. October, 2004.


Blogger musafir said...

Visited your blog today. I found it because you, or someone from your blog,
visited mine.

The English version is very good. Wish I knew Spanish.

Keep writing.

12:56 PM  
Blogger SirPatrick said...

I love the way your mind works... it just gives me another reason to love you :)

1:37 PM  
Blogger Ministry of Silly Walks said...

In the beggining the world was dark, then God said the light must be done. But, without darkness, light's existence is impossible.
I am noctiphobic. I fear but I love.

2:22 PM  

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