War of the Worlds

~quote from War of the Worlds (PG-13)
My wife and I saw this movie the weekend it opened and we both thought it was a great movie. The film begins by setting the stage and introducing the main characters. When the action starts, it's non-stop until the end. We were on the edge of our seats throughout the movie. I think the only negative was the ending... it seemed abrupt, almost as if they didn't know how to end it, but that didn't ruin the rest of picture... and, like most movies, I was able to garner something to write about. Get in!
In the case of the film, Ray pleads with his friend to leave with him because he fears his friend will die if he stays. It turns out Ray was right. He tried... yelling and screaming, but his friend just wouldn't listen.
When it comes to eternity a very similar thing happens. Everyone, without exception, is gonna die.(a) Friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc will someday breathe their last breath and will take that fateful step into eternity. It's unavoidable. There are several people in the world that know the truth of Jesus Christ(b) and the saving power of belief in Him. They know that the only way to eternity in heaven is faith and trust in the Son of God.(c) They do what they can to spread the word, perhaps even yelling and screaming in hopes to convince their friends and family to come with them.
I believe Jesus is the only way to the Father, the one fount of absolute truth and the only source of true life now and on through eternity.(d) The Father is in heaven and will be for eternity.(e) My desire is to be with Him forever and because of this desire I have placed my faith and trust in the one sure thing, Jesus Christ.(f) By doing so I am covered by the righteousness that is Christ... I am in Him.
I am not the only one who has done this and I won't be the last. Each and every day there are people who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Each and every day there are people who are becoming new creations in the Savior.(g) You can be the next one.
When your last breath arrives, the only way to guarantee everlasting life in heaven is in Christ.(h)
Get in... or you're gonna die!
a: Hebrews 9:27
b: John 1:12
d: John 14:6
e: Isaiah 9:6
f: Psalm 37:4
h: John 3:16-17