Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Revenge of the Sith

Yoda: The boy you trained, gone he is. Consumed by Darth Vader.
~quote from
Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith (PG-13)

My wife and I acquired some movie tickets before they sold out and we were able to see Episode III on Sunday afternoon. We had both been looking forward to the completion of the Stars Wars saga. My main concern prior to watching the movie was how Mr. Lucas was going to fit so much story in so little time. I was pleased with the result. The movie was fast-paced and was constantly revealing bits and pieces of the story many of us are familiar with. Going in I was very curious to see how the 'holes' would be filled in by this film. I have seen all the other episodes multiple times so I knew before viewing this episode that Anakin was going to become Darth Vadar and the Supreme Chancellor was in fact Darth Sidious (also known as The Emperor), but seeing how the story was going to unfold was worth every penny.

There was so much to tell between the gap of Episode II and IV, but I believe George Lucas did a great job creating the bridge. Even though the runtime was fairly long (2hrs. 26min.), the film's steady pace keeps your attention throughout. Aside from Vadar's very cheesy, "NO!", the movie was fantastic, and like many of you are thinking... I found plenty to write about.

First off, let's get the obvious things out of the way. The "Dark Side" is the portrayal of evil.
Chancellor Palpatine is the Dark Side's puppet master pulling at the strings of Anakin's vulnerable heart. As soon as Palpatine has his claws sunk in deep enough Anakin is at his mercy and soon Anakin is no more... then arises the familiar Darth Vadar. Yoda, being the wise Jedi he is, senses the shift in the Force and shares with Obi-Wan the truth about his apprentice. Anakin had been consumed by evil and turned from the good path of the Jedi.

I find there is a similar possibility in the world today. There are many of God's children that do their best to walk a path He would be pleased with.(a) The devil, the crown of evil, lurks in their midst searching for a way in... a place he can sink his claws to pull them down.(b) This often is a daily battle(c), evil is persistent and the children of God must be just as or even more relentless.
If we are exposed and fall into evil's trap we must climb out before we are consumed by it. Sin is the exposure we must be aware of... and it is Jesus Christ and His sacrifice that cleanses those sins and seals the exposure.(d) If we fall, He will raise us up when we call out to Him. If we choose to allow sin to continue to expose us we will soon be consumed by it. The more we are consumed the more twisted our view becomes and soon evil appears to be good and good appears to be evil.

Be aware, be alert and stay connected to the source of good, Jesus Christ.(a)

a: Ephesians 4:1-6

b: 1 Peter 5:8-9

c: Romans 12:1-2

d: 1 John 1:8-9

e: John 15:5



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