"Mooom! Danny is touching meeee!"
The U.S. is a double headed monster.
The body tries to follow what the heads dictate and we all know how that is going to end.
I believe freedom of speech, choice -you name it- is becoming more of an enemy than a priviledge in this nation. We have taken our 'rights' as far as we can get, seemingly for the mere heck of it. "Let's push it and see how far we can get because someone else starts whining."
I am becoming sicker and sicker of being bombarded by news everywhere about how So and So is offended by This and That, tehrefore, So and So's rights are being violated.
"Bush prayed. He shouldn't have.
'Christmas' is the new four letter word. Let's go max out our credit cards anyway.
Michael Moore and Mel Gibson were practically ignored at the Oscars. They should have honored just one! My favorite , of course.
They aborted and now sue for damages. No comment.
Rolling Stones relented to publish ad for Bible. They are promoting a religion.. that offends me.
Courtney Love think's it's Bush's fault that she is so messed up. Yikes.
The 10 Commandments are still standing. Homeless man says bring them down.
Sponge Bob and Winnie the Pooh promote gay lifestyle. Hmm."
No law made by man will ever be perfect. And if it is close, we'll make sure we mess it up. That's why all are stepping on each other's toes. But my question is, do we really have a need to bounce around and spin with our arms stretched out just to prove someone is crossing the line of our territory? Know this: We share one planet, and there's more than a handful of us here; chances are our "personal spaces" will overlap somewhere. Cut it some slack for crying out loud.
The body tries to follow what the heads dictate and we all know how that is going to end.
I believe freedom of speech, choice -you name it- is becoming more of an enemy than a priviledge in this nation. We have taken our 'rights' as far as we can get, seemingly for the mere heck of it. "Let's push it and see how far we can get because someone else starts whining."
I am becoming sicker and sicker of being bombarded by news everywhere about how So and So is offended by This and That, tehrefore, So and So's rights are being violated.
"Bush prayed. He shouldn't have.
'Christmas' is the new four letter word. Let's go max out our credit cards anyway.
Michael Moore and Mel Gibson were practically ignored at the Oscars. They should have honored just one! My favorite , of course.
They aborted and now sue for damages. No comment.
Rolling Stones relented to publish ad for Bible. They are promoting a religion.. that offends me.
Courtney Love think's it's Bush's fault that she is so messed up. Yikes.
The 10 Commandments are still standing. Homeless man says bring them down.
Sponge Bob and Winnie the Pooh promote gay lifestyle. Hmm."
No law made by man will ever be perfect. And if it is close, we'll make sure we mess it up. That's why all are stepping on each other's toes. But my question is, do we really have a need to bounce around and spin with our arms stretched out just to prove someone is crossing the line of our territory? Know this: We share one planet, and there's more than a handful of us here; chances are our "personal spaces" will overlap somewhere. Cut it some slack for crying out loud.
You stated things perfectly... it's things like these that make me not so proud to be an American.
you know I better watch myself, if I wear that brown sweater too often I might offend someone for promoting gay clothing!
Hero was a good artsy fartsy movie heh
Check out House of Flying Daggers. Another artsy fartsy movie :P
Gwen is to lazy to have a blooogggg!!!
change please!!
Yes, very lazy!
Wendy,traslate for your mom this blooooogggggg! please......please
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