Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Kingdom of Heaven

~For Strength
Hospitaller: I go to pray.

Balian of Ibelin: For what?

Hospitaller: For the strength to endure what is to come.
~dialogue from
Kingdom of Heaven (R)

I had been looking forward to this movie. It happens to be the kind of film I really enjoy. I wouldn't put it in the same category as Braveheart(link) or Gladiator(link), but it was good. I'm thinking that it's going to be similar to Troy(link) for me. The first time I watched Troy in the theater I had thought it was a good movie, but I wasn't that impressed with it. Since then I have added Troy to my DVD collection and I've watched a few more times and I like it more and more. I have a feeling Kingdom of Heaven is going to be much the same. When I find the DVD really cheap on I'll probably add it to my collection, watch it a couple times and find that I really do like it.

Now, about the dialog that I chose for this entry... the funny thing about it is I don't remember it from the movie, but from one of the trailers I had seen before viewing the entire film. Perhaps I just missed it, but regardless where I heard it... it was connected to this movie and it was one that caught my attention.

Strength is something that we all need to endure various trials in life. The best source of strength(a) is found in the Lord Jesus Christ through joy.(b) The freedom that is found in the belief and acceptance of His sacrifice(c) begins to open a spout of joy in our lives. This joy will give strength(d) to endure anything that may come our way.(e)

Another source of strength is our confidence in who God is. God, the Father, is a strong tower and protection to all His children.(f) He is a mighty fortress(g) and He upholds us with His right hand.(h) We must remember that if God is for us, who could be against us... who could possibly prevail against us.(i) These truths will breath confidence to our souls and strength to our hearts.(j)

When we go to pray, we can have confidence to approach His throne of grace.(k) We can be certain He will hear(l) and we can trust that He will give us the strength to endure whatever it is that we are facing.


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